When would you require a wrongful cancer diagnosis lawyer?

 The impact cancer has on society in the United States as well as the world is not something that one can turn a blind eye towards. It is a scary disease that affects many people on a daily basis. These days, due to advancement in medical care and diagnostic services, people have a much higher chance of surviving this dreaded disease. Cancer mortality is reduced when cases are detected and treated early. A correct cancer diagnosis is essential for appropriate and effective treatment. Missed or delayed diagnosis can unnecessarily increase a patient’s suffering, require more aggressive treatment, and even lead to death.

One might require a wrongful cancer diagnosis lawyer due to a misdiagnosis or delayed diagnosis, or a false diagnosis.

Wrongful cancer diagnosis lawyer

Potential causes that might require a wrongful cancer diagnosislawyer:

  •          A cancerous lesion is missed in the biopsy
  •          A cancerous mass is misdiagnosed as non-cancerous
  •          Doctor fails to order the proper tests
  •         Specimen are improperly handled, read, or interpreted
  •          Inadequate screening leading to increased risk in patients
  •          Doctors fail to understand or acknowledge patient’s complaints
  •         Faulty equipment leading to misdiagnosis
  •          Inaccurate or faulty testing
  •          Lack of knowledge on the doctor’s part
  •          Busy schedules and errors happening due to hectic schedule of medial workers
  •          Ignoring patient requests to check abnormalities

Delayed cancer diagnosis means patients have fewer treatment options available to them. By the time the cancer is found, it may be too late for potentially life-saving surgeries, chemotherapy or radiation. Cancer misdiagnosis affects the whole family, not just the patient. Watching a loved one suffer due to a missed or delayed diagnosis can be heartbreaking and knowing that treatment could have been administered earlier is devastating. If you lost a loved one due to cancer misdiagnosis, you could be eligible to pursue a wrongful death claim, where you might need the aid of an experienced wrongful cancer diagnosis lawyer.

A false diagnosis can subject patients to unnecessary painful and expensive treatments.  While sometimes necessary in order to attack cancerous cells, treatments like chemotherapy and radiation can cause permanent damage to someone who did not require them in the first place. In addition to the physical toll, cancer treatments come with an immense financial cost that may not be entirely covered by insurance.

Wrongful cancer diagnosis lawyer

For malpractice to occur, there must be negligence and damage caused by that negligence. That means that the actions taken by this doctor run contrary to what another, reasonable doctor would have done in the same situation. To prove it, you must have another doctor testify that he would have given the test or caught something that the negligent doctor missed on the results. Then, you have to connect the act of medical negligence directly to harm that has occurred to hold the doctor financially liable for injuries, medical expenses, and other damages. This is why you need an experienced wrongful cancer diagnosis lawyer by your side.


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